Today is Shahz Jaszle's birthday. So dengan kesempatan ini nak ucapkan Selamat menyambut Hari Jadi Shahz! Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. All the best for your future... Sudah2lah gaduh dengan Nik tu. It was not Lisa, percayalah! Hehe...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Adi!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bio-Nik Episode 11 Review: Nik Died? Not Again!
Cepat betul masa berlalu dah 11 episod Bio-Nik ni. Terasa kejap je dah nak habis first season. This week kita dapat lihat kesinambungan cerita episod 10 di mana Nik telah disuntik virus oleh Prof Mazni and is captured by her. Friendship and loyalty diuji bila Adi ternampak Lisa memeluk Nik and kita dapat lihat satu pertarungan antara Nik and Lisa berlaku. Click Read More to read my review of this week's episode.
The episode starts exactly where we were left of. Adi masuk balik ke dalam parti Aina dan ceritakan apa yang dia nampak pada Kamal. He is pissed off. Kamal cuba berfikiran positif and tries to call Nik for the truth. Nik tak jawab telefon so Kamal calls Prof Hafiz to ask of his whereabout. Prof Hafiz informs Kamal yang Nik belum balik lagi tapi assures them that maybe Nik just wanted to be alone. Later Aina pun tertanya tentang Nik's whereabout after he ran out from her. Kamal reassures both of them yang there's nothing to worry about.
Meanwhile, Prof Mazni bawa Nik yang lemah because of the virus ke Dr. Shamil. The plan is to transfer Nik's powers to Lisa to make Lisa twice stronger and complete. We find out that Lisa sebenarnya adalah ciptaan mereka untuk agent Tkosky. The boss we see Dr Shamil communicating with in episode 9. In return, mereka mendapat wang yang banyak. However, Prof Mazni is worried that Nik might wake up and empower them. Dr. Shamil is convinced that won't happen and tries to prove it by checking on Nik. He was proven wrong when tiba-tiba Nik sedar and runs away. Dr. Shamil pun bangunkan Lisa and ask her to go after Nik.
Nik, dalam keadaan yang lemah, escapes ke dalam satu bilik but was quickly followed by Lisa. Kat sini a fight begins. Lisa kicks the hell out of Nik sampai Nik makin lemah. Remembering pesanan ayahnya untuk menggunakan kuasa dia sebaiknya, Nik bangkit and deflects Lisa's attack. Pastu dia tendang Lisa sampai terpelanting. While Lisa is down, he managed to escape the facility. The thing I'm wondering here is macam tak ada kaitan je apa yang Prof Hafiz cakap dengan apa yang Nik buat. He did kick a woman's ass. Is that untuk kebaikan? Maybe they just needed a quote to bagi Nik semangat.
Di hospital, Burn dilihat sedang melangsaikan kos rawatan ibunya. He then visits his mother at her room. The scene here is kinda tear-jerking sebab menggambarkan niat Burn yang betul-betul ingin selamatkan mak dia tapi terpaksa tipu mak dia tentang macam mana dia dapat duit untuk kos rawatan. Sedihla bila tengok. Bagusla lakonan diorang. Memang terasa.
At Nik's home, Aishah is furious and scared of Nik's safety sebab dia tak balik-balik sejak semalam. Sampaikan menyalahkan Prof Hafiz and Alia. She seems out of control. I understand how worried someone can be but mak dia macam terlalu gopoh while the dad plak terlalu relax. Macam tak kene plak. And Prof Hafiz is so sure that his homing device works. Okla, at least it did work bila Nik pengsan kat depan rumah. They brought him in to Prof Hafiz's lab to save him. We find that Nik's data telah dipindah and erased. Prof Hafiz tetibe melenting kat Kamal and his wife. Ganas jugak tengok scene ni. Harap2 tak sampai bergaduh pulak.
Kamal tries to call Adi to ask for help but he still doesn't want to come. Prof Hafiz tries to transfer a backup data to Nik tapi Nik tak dapat diselamatkan. Just as he was about to cover Nik up, he wakes up. I feel that this scene is a repeat of the same scene in episode 2 mase first time nak revive Nik. Kan best kalo Nik really is dead and maybe Prof Hafiz pergi cari Dr. Shamil ke untuk selamatkan Nik. Tak pun Nik wakes up from the grave. Huhu. Melampau la plak. Maybe to make this scene interesting, Nik bangun tapi dia tak ada memori of who he is. Tapi takut nanti ambil masa pulak dia nak regain memory dia. Jadi 20 episod pulak kang season ni.
The next day, Aina and Kamal datang ke rumah Nik untuk melawat. Bila sampai di pintu Nik, just as Aina nak masuk je Nik jadi gila. Dia merapu bende-bende yang menyakitkan hati Aina. Rantai Aina ni ala red kryptonite kot. Buat Nik bertukar personality. Takkan Nik nak halau Aina sampai cakap semua tu. Aina pun beredar dalam keadaan sedih. Maybe patut end with dalam Aina tengah sedih drive tu tetiba dia pulak accident. Baru tambah menyesal Nik tu.
Hmm...Jalan cerita this week tak banyak sangat after last week's great episode. Connection between Lisa, Dr Shamil and Prof Mazni pun dah terlerai so 3 stories dah jadi 1. Scene Nik mati pun macam berulang, should have something else happen. 2 more episodes to go. Please oh please let it be better. From the preview we see macam there's going to be a flashback about Sharifah. Klakar plak tengok.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Bio-Nik Sightings, Part Deux!
Semalam sebab cuti I decided to take a stroll around KL and hunt around for Bio-Nik promotions out in the world. My friend told me about LRT Putra yang ade iklan cite2 TV3 and I've seen billboards of TV3 shows in KL before so I decided to look for them and take snapshots. Luck was on my side bila LRT tu terpacak menunggu ditangkap gambarnya kat Kelana Jaya. Pastu dapat pulak naik. Yeap, it's official, saya dah gila. Help! Haha. More pics after the break. Click images for larger views.
New Poll: Apa Satu-Satunya Kuasa Bio-Nik You Wish You Have?
Minggu baru means masa untuk poll baru. Marilah-mari kita mengundi...
Apa Satu-Satunya Kuasa Bio-Nik You Wish You Have?
The results of the first 2 polls can either be found on the sidebar or after the break if it has been removed.
Who's Your Favourite Character(s)?
What do u think of Bio-Nik so far?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bio-Nik Episode 11: After Thoughts?
Another episode went down tonight leaving 2 more episodes to wrap up season 1 (Don't worry, season 2 sambung terus). So what did you guys think? I must say I was a bit disappointed with the episode. Bukan sepenuhnya tetapi a particular part yang membuatkan dia nampak familiar, macam dah penah berlaku before this. Anyway, my review will explain it all. Click the links below to watch the episodes online now.
Malam Ini, Bio-Nik Kembali dengan Episod 11!
Malam ni nampak macam Nik akan kena belasah teruk dengan Lisa. From the previous episode, kita tahu bukan Lisa yang letak virus ke dalam Nik tetapi Prof Mazni. So does it mean Nik akan berhadapan dengan Prof Mazni yang menjelma sebagai Lisa or Lisa sendiri telah berjaya diprogram untuk berlawan dengan Nik? Will we find out what happens to Nik's relationship with Aina dengan kehadiran rantai magnet di leher Aina? And will it be the end of his friendship with Adi setelah Adi melihat dia dan Lisa berpelukan? Looks like more trouble for Nik dalam episod-episod terakhir musim pertama Bio-Nik. Can't wait...Set your watches, 9pm sharp!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Characters of Bio-Nik (Part 1)
Jom kita mengenali character-character yang ada dalam Bio-Nik musim pertama. Nak buat awal2 dulu tak banyak info kita boleh dapat sebab we were still getting to know them. Now that a lot of revelation happening, dapatlah saya write out a more detailed description of each characters, siapa mereka dan kaitannya dalam dunia Bio-Nik. You can also vote for your favourite characters on the poll in the right. I will also keep updating this post in case ada apa2 information baru diketahui in the other episodes. Let's start with Prof Mazni, Aishah, Dr. Shamil, Prof Hafiz and Burn.
Super Power: Shape-Shifter
Profession: Dean of TPM College
Marriage Status: In a relationship with Dr. Shamil
Character Background
Kita mula2 diperkenalkan pada character Professor Mazni dalam episod ke-4 semasa Nik dan gang diperlukan untuk meminta approval untuk projek expo sains. From that episode kita dapat tahu Prof Mazni ni bekerjasama dengan Jimmy dalam menyiapkan serum yang boleh memberi kuasa luar biasa. Apabila Jimmy cuba membunuh Johan dalam episod 5, it is revealed that Prof Mazni has the power to shape-shift into any person she wants to. Dalam episod 8, we know that Prof Mazni is in a relationship with Dr. Shamil. Episod 10 pula memberitahu kita yang Professor Mazni mungkin adalah Sharifah yang dikatakan oleh Professor Hafiz dalam episod 1 apabila Prof Hafiz ternampak gelang yang dipakai Prof Mazni. It is unknown if ini adalah rupa Prof Mazni yang sebenar, it might explain kenapa Prof Hafiz x kenal straight away.Name: Aishah
Super Power: None
Profession: Housewife
Marriage Status: Married to Prof Hafiz with 2 kids
Character Background
Mother of Nik and Alia. Daripada episod pertama we can see that she is a caring mother that loves her 2 children. Dia menunjukkan reaksi yang sangat pedih ketika mendengar berita kemalangan Nik. However, she has an impatient sense di mana dia sentiasa hendak sesuatu itu dilakukan dengan cepat tanpa berfikir. Seperti ketika misi untuk menyelamatkan Nik dalam episod 1 dan penculikan Alia dalam episod 9. This always results in Prof Hafiz having to calm her down. Suka memasak (or membelek buku resepi) and majalah CLEO.Name: Dr. Shamil
Super Power: None
Profession: Medical Doctor?
Marriage Status: In a relationship with Prof Mazni
Character Background
Semasa mula diperkenalkan, Dr Shamil merupakan seorang kawan kepada Prof Hafiz yang membantunya menyelamatkan Nik. Namun, sifat tamaknya telah mempengaruhi keputusannya apabila ditawarkan keuntungan lumayan sekiranya teknologi bionik yang dicipta bersama Prof Hafiz digunakan untuk tujuan ketenteraan. Once friendship mereka berakhir, Dr Shamil seakan hilang sifat kemanusiaan dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk memusnahkan Prof Hafiz. Ini termasuk mencipta bionik yang sama, Lisa untuk mendapatkan Nik (tujuan sebenar tidak diketahui). Dalam episod 9, kita ketahui dia sebenarnya berpakatan dengan Prof Mazni which is later known to be his ex girlfriend Sharifah yang telah dicuba selamatkan dengan Program ADAM way before Nik. Name: Professor Hafiz
Super Power: None
Profession: Neuro-Science Professor
Marriage Status: Married to Aishah with 2 kids.
Character Background
A loving dad to his 2 children, he is always thinking about their future & safety seperti dalam episod 1 di mana dia ingin menghantar Nik ke luar negara untuk menyambung pelajarannya dan risau apabila Nik tertinggal surah Yasin. Setelah kemalangan Nik, dia telah mempraktikkan kebolehannya dalam neuro-science technology untuk menyelamatkan Nik. Besides providing technical support for Nik, he's also the moral support as only he understands Nik more. His loyalty to protect his son is tested dalam episod 6 apabila menegah Dr Shamil daripada menggunakan teknologi bionik yang diciptanya untuk tujuan ketenteraan sehingga terputusnya talian persahabatannya dengan Dr Shamil. He is the calm entity in the family seperti apabila mendapat berita tentang kemalangan Nik dan penculikan Alia, dia yang menenangkan isterinya.Name: Fazli bin Aziz (Burn)
Super Power: None
Profession: Junior Reporter for Harian Galaksi
Marriage Status: Single
Character Background
Started out as a rookie at Harian Galaksi, he was initially assigned on small time news for Harian Galaksi. Termasuklah laporan tentang Expo Sains di TPM College yang akhirnya memberi dia scoop yang terbesar tentang Bio-Nik. Kerana berjaya menangkap bayangan Nik semasa di Expo Sains in episod 4, dia menggunakan bahan bukti ini untuk mengugut Nik dan mendapat berita terkini tentang kejadian2 luar biasa di sekeliling Nik. However, this was more taken as a favor kerana dilihat seperti mereka menjadi kawan yang membantu Nik dalam episod 9. Dia juga diketahui mempunyai ibu yang sedang menghidap barah tulang yang tidak dapat ditanggung kos rawatannya. Ini menyebabkan dia terpaksa mendedahkan rahsia kelemahan Nik pada Johan untuk mendapat bantuan kewangan dari Johan.
More characters in my next installment.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Bio-Nik Sightings
No, no. Bukan gambar sightings pelakon2 Bio-Nik (although I saw Adam AF2 kat 1 Utama semalam, a colleague saw Tam with Edlin AF2 and I thought I saw Mr. Bio-Nik himself, Kamal Adli naik bas Jom Heboh pagi tadi...huhu) but sightings of Bio-Nik promotional materials I manage to capture around Sri Pentas TV3. Mmg diorang all out promoting Bio-Nik ni and I have to say it worked on me since that's how I got hooked. Here's one, more after the break. Click on the pics for larger views.
Kalo ade yang keje kat TV3 yang bleh hook me up with copies of these ads, please do...would appreciate it. Hehe. If u guys have pics of Bio-Nik sightings you'd like to share, fell free to drop me a mail at
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Adam - Robot (Bio-Nik Closing Theme)
I'm in the midst of writing up a blog on the characters in Bio-Nik tapi tak sempat nak siapkan lagi. Busy skit ngan keje. Sementara tu, marilah kita sama-sama tonton music video daripada Adam ni untuk lagu Robot, used as the closing theme for Bio-Nik. Thanks to manjanyer sebab mengupload this. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Jimmy!
Kalo tak silap, based on facebook, today is Ariff Muktar's birthday. So dengan kesempatan ini nak ucapkan Selamat menyambut Hari Jadi! Yang ke brape, kenela tanye tuan empunya badan. Mesti muda lagi. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Tolong nyalakan lilin tu skit pakai ur super power. Huhu...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bio-Nik Episode 10 Review: Misteri Sharifah Terlerai!
Fresh from my 2nd watch of the episode I'm now ready to make my review. Episod 10 mungkin tiada aksi yang dipaparkan namun banyak subplot dalam episod kali ini membuatkan ia exciting. Akhirnya, misteri Sharifah yang disebut2 dalam episod 1 terlerai, kita pun sudah ketahui sama ada phantom woman memang Lisa ataupun tidak, nilai persahabatan diuji dengan konflik between Adi, Nik dan Lisa as well as sama ada Burn in the end meminta pertolongan kewangan dari Johan atau tidak. The plot is definitely getting thicker. Jom review...
After last episode's incident I thought Nik was on the run tapi nampaknya dia dah terlepas daripada apa2 tuduhan. Dengan Alia yang boleh bagi keterangan I knew it was not necessary for Nik to run. Nik was badly injured from his fight dengan Fauzir. Sampai remuk kata bapanye. Nik juga raised concern yang die takut dia hilang kewarasan & kemanusiaan die because of who he is. I liked how the story dah mula go into detail about this sort of stuff, tak terlalu straight forward. Who knows this might be what happens in the next few episode. Nik goes out of control ala Clark Kent kene red kryptonite camtu.
The next scene we find out that Lisa memang adalah phantom woman and is working for Dr. Shamil. Tapi scene die loitering around the office before writing the email cam tak kene je. She then writes an email to break-up with Ady. Sementara tu, Prof Hafiz visits Prof Mazni to inform her that Nik will be taking a week's break from school. Masa jumpa Prof Hafiz macam tersentak melihat gelang Prof Mazni. At first I thought ni ada kaitan dengan insiden episod lepas tapi bukan. Back at Dr. Shamil's office, Dr. Shamil is trying to break Prof Hafiz's code for the ADAM program tapi gagal. Kat sini I see Dr Shamil makin inconsistent and makin merapu. At times nampak macam dah lost his mind. Maybe tension kot tak dapat solve his problem. He receives a call from Prof Mazni to inform of Prof Hafiz's visit.
Kat rumah Nik, Prof Hafiz masih terfikirkan gelang yang dia ternampak. Rupa-rupanya gelang tu ada kaitan dengan perempuan bernama Sharifah yang disebut2 dalam episod 1. So Prof Mazni is Sharifah yang mereka gagal dalam experiment dulu. Meanwhile, Dr. Shamil's secretary informed him that Lisa is checking out her emails. Ntah nape that's a problem. Bukannye check email Dr. Shamil pun. He then calls in Lisa to tell her that she failed her mission to kill Alia. Lisa seems to be more in touch to her human side bila refuse to obey her master's command. Dr. Shamil punishes her by reprogramming her. Scene ni pening skit tengok sebab banyak sangat gegaran pada camera work.
Di college, Adi terima email Lisa and is heartbroken over the sad news. Lepas tu Aina enters the room untuk ajak the gang lawat Nik yang tengah berehat di rumah. Ady tak ikut skali sebab masih tak recover from the breakup. At the hospital, Burn is informed by his mother's doctor that he cannot proceed with any treatment due to Burn's failure tak dapat selesaikan kos rawatan. This time the doctor is convincing. Nampak macam doktor skit. Kat rumah Nik, Aina informs Nik yang next week dia akan adakan birthday party untuk menyambut hari jadinya. Burn dah tak ada cara lain to solve his money problem so terpaksa contact Johan for help.
Later masa nak jumpa Johan, Burn finds out that the guest yang doktor tu jumpa adalah Johan himself. Kata Johan doktor tu die kenal sebab tolong settlekan member die kat hospital but I think it's because of something else. Burn settled his end of the bargain by revealing things he knows about Nik. Salah satunya ialah kelemahan Nik terhadap magnet. So I guess ini yang digunakan oleh Fauzir dalam episod lepas. So just by giving that information, Johan sediakan 20k untuk Burn. Back at Dr. Shamil's office, die cuba reprogram Lisa untuk menanam virus into Nik. This fails as Lisa is still in touch with her human side. So Dr. Shamil minta pertolongan Prof Mazni to carry out the mission. Later Lisa calls Nik to meet up at Aina's party. Agaknya what will happen to Lisa? Buang camtu saje ke. Hope she gets to escape.
At college, Johan meets up with Jimmy to get his latest creation. Johan asked Jimmy untuk ciptakan satu rantai yang ade magnet untuk menjauhkan Nik dari Aina. The thing that confuses me is macam mana Jimmy boleh nak tolong Johan after what happened in episode 6. Bukan Johan nampak dengan mata sendiri ke Jimmy tried to kill him. Yang lagi pelik, Jimmy yang benci sangat dengan Johan sanggup tolong Johan because of money. Kat sini macam ada loophole. Maybe yg tulis cerita ni finds out that they need to keep the relationship between Johan and Jimmy for this crucial scene. Johan later went to see Aina to give her the present. Aina mula2 hesitate tapi bile nampak je rantai tu trus terima. Hmm... materialistik? Haha. Saje je.
At the party, Nik serenades Aina with a song. Funny scene. Nobody's perfect so scene Nik cuba menyanyi kat Aina ni is somewhat trying to show his romantic side. Nik cuba mendekati Aina but is stopped bile menjadi lemah because of the rantai. Nik goes out of the club followed by Lisa. Lisa revealed to Nik yang die bionic just like Nik. Lisa also reveals that she was involve in the kidnapping of Alia. Siapa yang bagi arahan die tak dapat reveal though. The part Lisa was hugging Nik to apologise was irrelevant. Bukannya die rapat pun. This was done to make Adi nampak diorang ni macam rapat. Patut masa die hug Nik untuk letak virus tu je used to make Adi marah. Pastu before Nik pengsan, Adi dah masuk balik ke dalam. Later, Lisa is revealed to be Prof Mazni.
Overall, I think this episode is done well in terms of pacing. Takde scene yang terasa terlalu meleret. Banyak revelations was done in this one episode. Walaupun takda aksi heroism pun tapi I really was glued to my seat watching every scenes unravel. Best2. Keep up the good work. But I hope dia tak terlalu ikut Smallville with the rantai magnet tu, like mase mula2 Smallville dulu Lana Lang ade rantai kryptonite yang buat Clark lemah everytime dekat. I'm ok with that but keep it minimum to the main subplot. Tak sabar nak tengok what happens to Nik lepas ni. 3 more episode of the first season to go.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bio-Nik Episode 10: After Thoughts?
Episod 10 dah pun bersiaran sebentar tadi. If you're just like me yang terlepas untuk tengok Bio-Nik kat TV3, bolehla tonton di website TV3 by clicking the links below. So what did you guys think of the episode? Ada tak persoalan yang terlerai or was there a cliffhanger yang kita kene tunggu result die next episode? Sebab saya belum tengok lagi tak dapatla nak bagi apa2 reaction. I'll write it up in my review later. I hope to hear your reactions.
Update: Watched it! Would have to say it was awesome. Tapi seperti dah diketahui, it ended with what we've seen in the previews. Now kene tunggu next episode pulak. Tak sabarnye...