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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bio-Nik Episode 7 Review: Every Superhero Needs A Costume

I'm back and as usual, time for review. I would have to say, episode 7 is my favourite episode of all aired so far, tie with episode 9 la. Simply because it has a complete subplot within the episode, banyak aksi yang berlaku and it's damn funny. Nik & gang returns from their semester break in full swing only to find lagi banyak challenges to come. Episode kali ini berkaitan dengan kejadian rompakan yang berlaku di sekitar campus dan Nik berniat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini once and for all. Berjayakah Nik? Jom review...

The gang have been taking a semester break since we last see them in the previous episode. Kat ofis Harian Galaksi, Burn telah diberi pujian atas kejayaan die mendapat 'scoop' tentang ape yang berlaku di kampus tempoh hari. "Api misteri menyerang pelajar kolej". J.J.Jameson (boss) die pun congratulates by finally giving him a proper desk at the office. Yang peliknya, orang2 kat ofis tu macam xtau je Burn tulis artikel tu? Mase ditunjuk suratkhabar tu, Burn terkejut artikel die sampai ke front page and the employee even needs to inform the boss yang artikel Burn masuk front page. Bukan boss die yang letak artikel tu kat front page ke since he's the editor and how come Burn is surprised as well. I'm no journalist but tentang sape dapat front page mesti diberitahu awal2 before printing lagi kan?

Anyway, Burn decides to call Nik to meet up with him. Bile jumpe, Burn tunjuk gambar2 yang die tangkap mase expo sains tempoh hari. Die pun percaya Nik mempunyai kuasa luar biasa. He then threatens Nik of exposure if he doesn't help him with his career. Burn mintak Nik bekerjasama dengan Burn untuk membolehkan die mendapat the first scoop on anything that happens with Nik. Not nice dude. Macam nak jadi kawan tapi mengugut. Kesian Nik xleh nak buat ape, terpaksa terima. The next scene shows a bunch of costumed burglar stealing computers from the college campus. The thing I wished is that the burglars have a story of their own. Dahla pakai costume clown, mesti ade sebab ala Joker Batman.

The next day Professor Hafiz brings Nik to his lab to introduce die pada jaket yang die telah cipta untuk protect Nik from the electromagnetic wave coming from handphones. Awesome scene, macam mase mak Superman tunjuk costume yang die buat untuk Clark...but funnier. Bile die introduce the jacket, Nik ingat it's just a piece of clothing tapi tak sedar bile Prof call through the handphone, die tak terasa pening. Barula nak terime jaket tu. Kat sini die kate the jaket would be temporary. Rasenye kalo permanent pun x kesah cuz I think it can be part of his identity as a superhero. I like how they portray the relationship between son and dad. Like friends.

Kat college, Nik ternampak Johan sampai dengan Aina. Dah declare la kot. Then, we are introduced to a new character, Lisa (played by Amanda Misbun). The gang meet up at the lounge area. The scenes that happen there in this episode is so funny. Memang nampak spontan lakonan diorg. A bit of correction though, rasenye xde cgpa 3.9.7. 3.97 ade la kot. Pandai btul diorg ni. Sume atas 3.5. Erm, tapi baru satu semester so ok la kot. Huhu. Banyak cite kite dapat tau pasal gang ni. Tanpa disedari, Adi pun x kurang hebat result die. Kamal plak rupa2nya anak mak. Tapi for a genius, patut tahu ape 'guinea pig' tu. They also talked about Nik's new jaket. Klakar habis. And pasal amik air die, totally spontan. Haha.

They then decide to go to Professor Mazni's office to get their new schedule. On the way, mase lalu ICT lab, diorg dapat tahu lab tu telah dirompak. That lab rupa2nya was where diorg letak mesin pengimbas minda yang diorg cipta. Turns out the machine was stolen as well. Mesti penting topi sampai cemas dibuat Kamal. Mungkinkah kita akan dapat lebih banyak kegunaan machine tu dalam cerita Bio-Nik ni? Then they decide to report it to the Professor tapi x dapat jumpa. Adi pulak disuruh teman Lisa to show around the campus. Bleh plak secretary buat lawak post office dengan diorang plak.

Back at the lounge, Johan and Aina sit nearby and distracted Nik's attention. Kamal dan Adi pulak sibuk cakap pasal Lisa and rompakan2 yang berlaku. Daripada tu, diorang cadang cube tangkap perompak2 tu pakai kuasa bionik Nik. Nik has a better idea, pakai akal. Haha. Mase nak balik ke rumah Nik, tetibe dihalang oleh kereta Johan. Tak taula ape gune scene ni. X habis2 Johan terasa tergugat Nik pandang2 Aina. Aina pulak x kate ape pun bile nampak Johan buat camtu.

Kat rumah, diorg berbincang pasal camne nak selesaikan masalah perompak tu. Mula2, I thought Nik lukis pistol ke ape ntah. Rupa2nya plan campus. Haha. Klakar2. Penyelesaian yang diorg bagi untuk tangkap perompak tu, Adi cadang pasang CCTV. Takkan kolej slame ni xde CCTV. Kalo xde pun, takkan diorg yang beli and pasang. Patut leh claim dari college. Adi plak nak letak satu dalam tandas perempuan. Haha. Klakar2. The next scene is a montage of them pasang CCTV keliling campus.

Back at Nik's house, the gang monitor CCTV in case ade perompak. Bile terjumpe, Nik went straight ahead to the campus. Aksi Nik lompat dari tingkap rumah was awesome. Macam striking a heroic pose. Sampai kat campus, Nik discovered yang perompak2 tu pun telah diikat oleh someone else. Nik ternampak that someone else is a costumed lady. Trus die leh tau yang pompuan tu is Lisa lepas scan through. Nik cube kejar tapi x sempat. Tapi should've kejar jauh skit, ni stop betul2 kat perompak. I guess pompuan tu pun leh lari cepat. Bile polis and Professor Mazni sampai, Burn menyoal Prof pasal the frequency of this rompakan.

The next scene of Nik dengan his dad and mase die hantar gi kolej macam repeated and pointless. Just to inform program ADAM akan diupgrade tapi blom tau bile. Sementara tu, Burn once again dapat the best 'scoop' sebab tulis pasal rompakan yang terjadi. The last scene shows Professor Mazni talking to someone on the phone about a plan yang masih tidak diketahui. Kite also dapat tau yang mungkin ade pape akan berlaku pada Burn sebab busy body pasal hal kat kolej.

Macam dah dikatakan, this episode ties with episode 9 as the best episode sebab ade subplot yang lengkap dalam satu episod. Nik and gang berjaya menangkap perompak that have been burglarising the campus, a new hero/villain is revealed in Lisa, Burn dan Nik dah ade kaitan sebab ugutan tu, and Professor Mazni diketahui berhubung dengan orang lain tentang plan die. And to top it off, lawak dalam episod ni menjadi. Walaupun kita boleh nampak spontan, tapi x mengganggu flow cerita malah membuat die lagi menarik. Good job.

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